So where would one put out and outright gossip at that no self respecting blogger would even touch with a ten foot pole because it's unverifiable. Why on the NATIONAL ENBLOGGER of course because this story comes to us via The National Enquirer.
This is the skinny on why Sarah Palin's son is going to Iraq. When in doubt, join the military. It's the best job you'll ever love and everybody knows they got the best drugs. More of the white trash with money scenario.
Update: Sarah Palin's Baby's Daddy Mama has been arrested on 6 counts of possessing crystal meth. Can you get any more down home and wholesome than that? The crystal meth capital of the top of the world(where you can see Russia from their uninhabited Siberian front door window)is laden with nothing but healthy and wholesome folk or that's the Country First image they like to project in moose land. Yee Haw Country Western Music partner. Add Jesus and Holy Oil and you can't get no more helathy and wholesome than that image.
The Lipstick on Pig comment got nothing on this family. They are just like you and me. Complete with a 17 year old knocked up teenager and a shotgun wedding. You can either shake your head and say "I can't believe they are strutting these people around like proud American peacock role models that the "rest of the world", (that's the whole planet for those of you who still think America is a world unto itself), that the rest of the world is laughing like hysterical hyenas at because they can't believe Americans can be this stupid. Dumber Than A Box of Rocks to be exact.
Now who couldn't relate to all that?
Don't forget that Sarah Palin thinks the Holy Oil War in Iraq is being fought because God wants us to have the Iraqs oil. Actually she believes that newly developed Oil and Gas pipelines throughout Alaska is a good thing and because it's God's will also. "Pray for that." These words, paraphased of course, were/are on a recent You Tube video being widely distributed on the Internet.
You cannot make this stuff up.
Even if it is on/in The National Enquirer.
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