Update: He's pregnant again! The freak show continues. Only in America where you get a front row seat.
Now seriously, this is really what you'd expect the headlines to be on the front page of The National Enquirer. However, you can not make this stuff up. Once again as George Carlin is so fond of saying.
"The world is kind of a freak show but in america you get a front row seat."
How dare any of you even say he is a pregnant man. He is not a man but a woman who decided to become a man in appearance. HE IS A WOMAN!!! Whether she likes it or not. She has a uterus and ovaries - so a woman!!! I am so disgusted with the world accepting sin as ok - it's not ok to go against God's creation and order of things. I wish the media would stop documenting these lies but put down the reality of things. They shouldn't be calling her a man when clearly she is a woman living a lesbian lifestyle. And if she wanted to have children then she should have stood a female - disgrace to the way of life.
Francesca, you're wrong sweatie. this is a transgender man. biological sex and gender are two distinct things.
How dare any of us say he is a man!! well who gives you the right to tell us whats right and wrong. and he is a man weather you like it or not thats like saying a woman who has no uterus or ovaries is a man even if she had cancer or something. Peole like you make me really angry! see if there is a god and he wasn't happy with something he wouldnt allow it or he would do something about it and if your reply to that is god has given us free will then it is free will and god would agree!!! this MAN is doing something to make his wife happy and if you dont like it dont read about.
well I say its really not that hard to believe if you look beyond the norm a minuet and think about all thats involved in creation of the human body during pregnancy they have already proven that the overys mature into the testacels and so forth so if his reproductive organs never fully developed into the male gender then such an event would surely be possible .way not its all the same to a cretin point any way were it changes form one sex to another and if it actually makes the transformation were not to say . And the way we are polluting the earth its no wonder that our genders are getting messed up and not forming fully and correctly.
You all really think he is a man? That's the most ridiculous shit I have EVER heard. And getting mad at Francesca when she is completely right.. wow. And God doesn't approve of that just because God is good don't mean evil don't walk this planet! That right there is a women who has had a lot of surgery. You women are disgusting and most likely are lesbians yourself.
GOD is the only one to judge this situation no you Francesca or anyone else for that matter. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but to say what GOD thinks you know not. This is a woman who has gone through a lot to be the person she feels she need be, and that is a man. If he is happy being a he, what is it to you or anyone else. If it is wrong then GOD will deal with it not you. If it is right then he has nothing to worry about. What you say here changes nothing in that persons life. Just as what I am saying will change nothing in that person's life or yours. I am not telling you what you think is wrong. It is not for me to judge. I am stating my opinion just as everyone here has. God Bless you all.
Watching puny humans debate over something they wouldn't know unless it was pointed out to them...
Unless we're to start asking people to drop trow to determine their biological sex, we're just going to have to accept these people as the gender they represent. Even if you have a problem with someone choosing to change their gender, some people naturally don't present in their biological sex due a range of differing intersex conditions.
Remember. Whether you agree with their lifestyle choices or not, they are still human.
I was brought up a southern, old fashioned lady and at the age of 53 now, so I know many folks would disagree with me.
I just saw your story on DFH and my heart goes out to you and your whole family for the pain and grief you've had to endure due to narrow-minded people, especially those who claim to be christian. My God taught me love and compassion an NOT to judge others above all.
I strongly believe that you are probably the bravest human being I've heard about in a long time and I truly wish you and your family the very, very best and I'll be praying for you.
I noticed that most of the people I saw on the show that had negative comments were born men. Now just how many so-called men walk out on their children or abuse them and treat them like it's their wife/partner's job to do everything for them. Well, my message to those "men" is: "Get off it. Until you've walked in the other person's shoes, keep shushed about it. How do you truly know what God wants of us?"
You just take very good care of yourself and that baby and I'd so love to see a photo of that baby that I'm sure will be such a beautiful baby girl.
Hang in there...there are many people who feel the same way I do, so hang on to that and forget the nay-sayers.
I truly love you for what you are doing.
Becky in Georgia
I gotta agree with the first person who commented. I don't understand why we make a big deal of stuff like this. "He" was born a she. She may cut off her breasts, grow facial hair, and even have a prosthetic penis. At the end of the day, biologically, she is still a she, so for her to get pregnant is not out of the realm of possibilities. As Shakespeare once wrote, "A rose by any other name is still a rose". Now what should be a story it's a "real" man getting.
Francesca who are you to say what is a sin? I suppose you spoke with God and he disagreed with this MAN having a baby. You sat down over lunch and had a grand discussion did you? "She" doesn't have to remain a female to have a baby, clearly. I don't think God would be too happy with you about trash talking people and deeming that you know his wishes. You should worry a little more about your own life rather than trying to dictate everyone else's!
Francesca who are you to say what is a sin? I suppose you spoke with God and he disagreed with this MAN having a baby. You sat down over lunch and had a grand discussion did you? "She" doesn't have to remain a female to have a baby, clearly. I don't think God would be too happy with you about trash talking people and deeming that you know his wishes. You should worry a little more about your own life rather than trying to dictate everyone else's!
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