Now those are the headlines the True National EnQuirer would use to sell newspaper/rags in your grocery store to get attention.
Bernie Madoff is that big. This scandal is THAT big.
It is the biggest, most unbelievable story in American Money History.....it's that big. It's bigger than BIGFOOT.
What are the odds you ask of finding a Ponzi schemer who cheated investors out of 50 Billion dollars vs. A Bigfoot?
I'm gonna guess that the odds are astronomical.
It's not adding up at this point and I don't feel like doing the math.
So who ya gonna trust?
The National EnBlogger or your own American truth?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
So once again the U.S. Federal Exchange Commission is saying the deck chairs on the U.S.S. Titanic just don't look quite right. Like a beleaguered interior designer trying to match the curtains to the drapes Henry and his team of experts, headed by formerly sunk ships captains of trade and industry, including Goldman Sachs, are telling the American people we need a TARP over the ship going down to disguise that sinking feeling. Besides, the U.S.S. Titanic will look so much better at the bottom of the ocean when the deckchairs are arranged attractively and neatly. And not only that, all those hands waving frantically, of the soon to be drowning victims in a sea of shit fest the likes of which the United States has never seen can now declare themselves "banks" of one sort or another can get a piece of the American pie. "Hey Y'all declare yourself a bank. Join right in on the sea of moneyshit festivities." YEE-HAW.
I'm going to declare my small business an independent bank so I can share a piece of the moneypie too. It all seems so simple when you get a little creative. Just declare yourself a bank.
Another story on the National EnBlogger that is so unbelievable you'd think that's exactly where it belonged. Along with the aliens from another planet invading the United States and Jim Jones Cults using brainwahing and mind control to get their way.
Here's a sampling of the movie ZEITGEIST ADDENDUM to show all the re-tards who read rags like the NATIONAL EnBLOGGER for a bit of unbelievable information. This is all viral so pass this good microbe on please. It only serves the greater good to gain public awareness. With the advent of blogging they cannot control the info going out or coming in anymore, and that makes them, whoever them are, verrry angry.
I'm going to declare my small business an independent bank so I can share a piece of the moneypie too. It all seems so simple when you get a little creative. Just declare yourself a bank.
Another story on the National EnBlogger that is so unbelievable you'd think that's exactly where it belonged. Along with the aliens from another planet invading the United States and Jim Jones Cults using brainwahing and mind control to get their way.
Here's a sampling of the movie ZEITGEIST ADDENDUM to show all the re-tards who read rags like the NATIONAL EnBLOGGER for a bit of unbelievable information. This is all viral so pass this good microbe on please. It only serves the greater good to gain public awareness. With the advent of blogging they cannot control the info going out or coming in anymore, and that makes them, whoever them are, verrry angry.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The Eyes Have It For Halloween This Year

That time of year when one dresses up as an alter ego self or some other virtual reality character. Second Life got nothing on these contact lenses being marketed to the general public now. Made for Hollywood Movies, these special effects will have you thinking twice about those alien lizard eyes you met on the street yesterday. Sure to be a hit with the kids, these contact lens will having you doing a double take. They're here...........the aliens, the chimera, the dragons, the any special effects you can imagine for an eyeball.
Some of them are verry chillllling.
They will have you wondering? Is it live or is it memorex?
Because if you don't remember seeing these eyeballs you are not paying attention.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sarah Palin's Hillbilly Heroin (Oxycotin) Using Son and Now Her Daughter's Baby Daddy Mother Arrested For Crystal Meth !!! They Know How To Grow 'Em

So where would one put out and outright gossip at that no self respecting blogger would even touch with a ten foot pole because it's unverifiable. Why on the NATIONAL ENBLOGGER of course because this story comes to us via The National Enquirer.
This is the skinny on why Sarah Palin's son is going to Iraq. When in doubt, join the military. It's the best job you'll ever love and everybody knows they got the best drugs. More of the white trash with money scenario.
Update: Sarah Palin's Baby's Daddy Mama has been arrested on 6 counts of possessing crystal meth. Can you get any more down home and wholesome than that? The crystal meth capital of the top of the world(where you can see Russia from their uninhabited Siberian front door window)is laden with nothing but healthy and wholesome folk or that's the Country First image they like to project in moose land. Yee Haw Country Western Music partner. Add Jesus and Holy Oil and you can't get no more helathy and wholesome than that image.
The Lipstick on Pig comment got nothing on this family. They are just like you and me. Complete with a 17 year old knocked up teenager and a shotgun wedding. You can either shake your head and say "I can't believe they are strutting these people around like proud American peacock role models that the "rest of the world", (that's the whole planet for those of you who still think America is a world unto itself), that the rest of the world is laughing like hysterical hyenas at because they can't believe Americans can be this stupid. Dumber Than A Box of Rocks to be exact.
Now who couldn't relate to all that?
Don't forget that Sarah Palin thinks the Holy Oil War in Iraq is being fought because God wants us to have the Iraqs oil. Actually she believes that newly developed Oil and Gas pipelines throughout Alaska is a good thing and because it's God's will also. "Pray for that." These words, paraphased of course, were/are on a recent You Tube video being widely distributed on the Internet.
You cannot make this stuff up.
Even if it is on/in The National Enquirer.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
D.C. Madam's Suicide Note

Listen to a former L.A. cop, Norma Jean Alodovar, tell it all on the Barry Lynn Show. Her book is titled from Cop to Call Girl. She has a very interesting perspective on how women always end up on the lyching side of the hypocritical sex rope while men get off scott free.
Monday, April 14, 2008
The Pregnant Man.....He's/She's Pregnant Again!

Update: He's pregnant again! The freak show continues. Only in America where you get a front row seat.
Now seriously, this is really what you'd expect the headlines to be on the front page of The National Enquirer. However, you can not make this stuff up. Once again as George Carlin is so fond of saying.
"The world is kind of a freak show but in america you get a front row seat."
Sunday, April 13, 2008
BUSH's LAW: Spilling The Beans and Ungagging the Gaggers.....and "THE PROGRAM"

One hates to keep quoting the same source, in this case On The Media but when you're on a roll and want to share the info...You're on a roll baby. Even if it is an incredulous blog such as the National EnBlogger. In an update to this original blog the only info we had about the Mystery Man who told the true story about Bush's wiretapping and nefarious listening devices aimed at you and me, the outrageousness of it all was a book by a New York Times writer. now the info sharing about "THE PROGRAM" (the NSA/FBI name for listening to joe smoe's from kokomo) whom nobody would believe, and deserved to be in a National EnQuirer magazine rag, is all true. Who knew?
Inquiring Minds want to know and now we do.
Update: December 20, 2008...... 2 years and 1 mystery man later
Sharing the info NOW is THE mystery man named Tamm. Thomas Tamm. A deep throat of shorts.(I mean sorts, unless he's into other peoples undies)
He is Ex FBI agent who blew the big whistle on the big guys who are/were listening and watching ordinary workdaday folks like you and me. Mr Tamm got a hold of some info the NSA and FBI would rather you not have. That's you and me, Jane Q and John Q, ordinary American citizen(who is not a joe six pack drinker because we don't drink, but seems to be the measuring for true Americans these days concerning the word ORDINARY), who obeys the law, minds their own business and just tries to get along. He told his story to Newsweek and Newsweek ran with it. Now we know, that they know that we know and now we( that's Jane Q and John Q citizen of America)can write about and talk about and get some sunlight disinfectant in on this shrouded sur-veil-lance.
Always remember.....there is a VEIL in Sur_Veil_Lance. As of this writing Mr Tamm has not been found in his basement bound and gagged and tied up like an Abu Garib prisoner, he has been found on the Racheal Maddow show doing interviews as seen here.
Original Post:
It's been over two years since New York Times reporter Eric Lichtblau broke the NSA warrantless wiretapping story with James Risen. In his new book, Lichtblau explains the Woodward and Bernstein-like tale of exposing the program that's still surrounded in controversy and mystery.
Reporters and Sur-VEIL-Lance

Remember there is a VEIL in surveilance. That's why it's called sur Veil lance.
It's hidden and covert. Like a bride on her wedding day. Like a Muslim woman in full Muslim dress. Like a ....well, you get the picture. You can't see it behind the Veil. A book by Bob Woodward, the leading authority on Nixonlike CIA info gathering stuff.
From On the Media:
With government phone surveillance so much in the news, it’s understandable that some assumed the collection of reporters’ phone records has something to do with the recently-disclosed NSA data mining effort. But that sort of conflation frustrates defense analyst Bill Arkin. He tells Brooke what’s wrong with understanding contemporary intelligence efforts as a Nixonian-style domestic spying program.
* editors note
Be forewarned if you listen to Bill Arkin's tone of voice in this interview. He is outraged and pissed that the American people are not outraged and pissed and it shows in his voice. Finally, somebody who is not laid back with that "Oh What Can We Do About It" attitude. At least you can write about and clue people in.
bill arkin,
on the media,
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