Thursday, November 22, 2007

This Would Be News If The National Enquirer Were The Real News

An American Man, Chris Hedges, says he will not pay his taxes if we bomb Iran.Which looks very much realer everyday

Monday, November 19, 2007

Get out Your Tin Foil Hats People...The Art of Mental Warfare is ON!

Here's a great website blog I've found that is in tune with the National EnBlogger.

Interconnected sites that are all part of The Outrageousness of the Mainstream Media and how they are trying to control it....and are actually.

Truth In It's Rawest Form is pretty open and like freah meat. RAW! and RUDE and CRUDE and yes OBNOXIOUS!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

This Is The Main Theme Of the National Enblogger In A Nutshell



No matter how accurate the National Enquirer or any tabloid might become, readers and non-readers (especially) will never forgive it its dubious past, especially if it sticks with the distinctive "trade dress" of a supermarket tabloid—sensational headlines printed in yellow; a red, white, and black logo; glossy newsprint stock. And it proves that folks would rather judge a publication (People) for where it lives—on a supermarket checkout wire rack alongside such deliberately unbelievable publications as the Weekly World News and the Sun—than for what's printed inside.(taken from Slate online)

O.K. So The National Enquirer busted Dog the Bounty Hunter for repeatedly saying the N word and sounding rather ahhhhhh nazilike and if we could only get members of the government and candidates who exhibit the same behavior and language as Dog did on tape, like a MACACAman again, then that would be big news. Ohhh they are out there. It's up to us to un-earth them and dig them up.

Socio-Politco-Economics and government is not entertainment. It is not supposed to be entertaining. It's supposed to be real. About real people, with real issues and real problems and real money issues and real health care concerns, and real rent and real mortages and real kids, and real education. Yet, in this "theater of war" what have we got?

Infotainment and amusement.That's all we get.

When Dog The Bounty Hunter becomes President of the United States and not some racist caricature worthy of our attention, then maybe we'll listen up. Until that time the NATIONAL EnQUIRER style of government will rage on like the outrageous, bizarre and ridulous machine it is.

Only a NATIONAL ENQUIRER hidden agenda driven moderator like Tim Russert would ask Dennis Kucinch if he saw a UFO and believed in them so that Kucinch would appear on the front page of all the newspapers with an ALIENHEAD.

These are real people, with real bones to pick, running the system of government. Not Dog The Bounty Hunter.